JFK’s First Attempt was as US Haberdashery Spokesman (1961)

History is full of little side-bar oddities that prove out to be more revealing than their more well-known cousins. This truism is confirmed by the recent unearthing of JFK’s early speech as the designated spokesman for the then-threatened US haberdashery industry in 1961.

Ask not what your country ascot can do for you.

Ask for what-not your country ascot can do for your country.

This was meant be patriotic protectionism, but was shelved by JFK speechwriter Theodore Sorenson when he complained successfully to his boss  that “the country ascot” rage of the time was sure to go the way of the buggy whip, and he needed to get the Peace Corp thing going with a simpler limerick.

NEWLY APPOINTED FWN OMDUDSMAN: This is just esoteric auto-humor, and has nothing to do with nihilism, the alleged bete blanco of this putative global institution. All of the FWN material is original, down to its patentable acronyms and buzzwords, but the fish ain’t bitin’, so lay off the alleged humor that went nowhere back in your school days. This is not the Harvard Lampoon.

Readers are demanding and feasting on the entirely ground-breaking big-C concepts like “EMBT,” which encapsulates the human condition like no other voguing term – Extreme Magico-Delusional Thinking, in its bold fusion-chef concepting, deserves far more explication du jour than this private joke-making around a very tired historical trope. This might have been a tad tittersome for some Cantabridgian lads back in ’61, but this is now, and the world burns. Get back to work.

FWN RESPONSE: Come on, it’s funny. It’s good. Andy Borowitz is green with incorporated humor envy. Let the site be into more than just scorn and scorn.


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