Anticipating Nazipublican Rule Post-2024 Election

“You need to understand – my blog had , like, zero readers. It was on WordPress. I thought nobody was listening.”

The premier intellectual task before all of us living and thinking sentient beings does not go away, but it can be avoided, or left “unaddressed,” in that favorite locution of modern times. That task has been beautifully summarized by Robert Ericksen, emeritus professor of history at Pacific Lutheran University, in his 2012 book Complicity in the Holocaust: Churches and Universities in Nazi Germany:

Neither little children nor Germans not yet born by 1945 can be considered guilty of Nazi crimes. However, the balance of the German population cannot simply shift all blame onto Hitler and his henchmen. We have a right to find fault in all those who succumbed to Hitler’s charms and followed his lead. Nonetheless, this point of fingers should leave us concerned where our steps might go astray. A close look at Nazi Germany should teach us something about how to respond to crises. It should warn us against compromising our values – human rights, civil rights, and international law – in the face of adversity. It should allow us to recognize that Germans who succumbed to Hitler were human beings like ourselves. The real lessons of good Germans and bad behavior is the ease with which a commitment to one’s nation, plus some natural bending in the prevailing wind, can blind one to the moral implications of one’s stance. It can blind one to injustice that might find itself condemned by a later generation. We cannot be certain to avoid some future generation condemning us for behavior and ideas we think acceptable – but we can try.

Robert Ericksen, Complicity in the Holocaust, 2012, pg. 235.

Pre self-condemnation should come easily to our society. Bombs; hunger; war. Fossil fueled ecocide across the globe, gargantuan trans-national corporate and state-corporate capital devouring all, with only the “opposition” of ineffectual and wholly captured sclerotic social institutions. Billon-dollar celebrity plastic surgery industries planing women’s faces into translucent death masks. Steroidal and PED-stuffed professional sport circuses. Fossil-fueled anti-thought corporate technosphere social media. Diseased vestiges of ancient religious cults living on in enfranchised legislated living death sentences to poor people and women. Dementia victims with calcified basal ganglia paraded out as tribal totems for vacuous electoral sideshows. Supertankers laden with Happy Meal toys plying the fish-denuded seas. Mass murder warfare economics. Hidebound, musty classicalism stultifying higher education. Obese elderly who can barely walk. Anti-immigrant nazism across the West. Trillions at play in the shithouse gambling den of Wall Street and corporate-state stupidity scams like the Lotto and sports gambling. Bullshit hopium windups (phrase trademark pending).

Nah, nothing to pre-condemn here. All good. What did anybody of some reading skill and/or analytical ability expect to change from our supersystem? “Rapid and drastic transformational change” from this hypercomplex and highly reinforced extraction-and-production megamachine technosphere?


  1. Happy Emtulmult’s Day +2❣️

    It took me a nap to figure out that the figure in the picture was a bit of macro-megalomania rearing its head relative to a certain sociological physics-is-futile psychology and thought crimes.

    With Article 5 abused (as a comparable, but an actual thought crime), coming soon to a cynic near you!



  2. Happy Emtulment’s Day! What beautiful renditions, paintings, expositions – but, alas, a certain now deceased member of my inherited family had that birthday, for whatever that’s worth, and I don’t think he would have gotten the expressive irony of this now forever claimed as Emtulment’s Day.
    Yes, “macro-megalomania” was the impulse, but WWII Germany has always loomed large in my birth family history, and for such an educated, allegedly “advanced” on so many fronts country to become the site of the global mega-mass killing of so many categories of people suggests we, now in today’s epicenter of mega-violence, had all better get ready. How could anyone not be a thought criminal these days?

  3. I am hypothesizing that synesthesia has emtulmults as a somewhat unique iteration of motivated reasoning. That these neurologies experience these things when triggered. Non-synesthetic brains become irrational in their neurological whatever regarding motivated reasoning, while the synesthetic gets hammered with an entulmult.

    FWIW (see description), all the graphics are generated by related inquiries to ITAIM … so they are all mathematically probabilistic calculations! For that last one, the prompt was: “a rock, a river, and an emtumult”. What a tree!

    I think you might enjoy this dive into what ITAIM can currently visually rock. All the digital stills (but the “Bookends” album cover), and, though slightly tweaked, all the Shakspearian verse are creative productions that take about 20 seconds each. My production has two titles: “Set Anon as Seth” and “At #TheZoo”. If you hear “Set upon by Seth” that is intentional …and a pun!


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